I am grateful to those of you that have hung on and have continued to follow me - despite my light postings.
As you may, or may not know, I am a full-time teacher, mom and wife. The purpose of my blog is to make life easier for anyone that needs a place to find the best deals quickly. You can go to the links at the top of my page each week and find the weekly deals for the discount stores, pharmacy's, and groceries. Granted, I may not always have the store you are looking for, but if you tell me I will do my best to find those deals and link them up!
Summer is quickly approaching....Soon you'll start to see more posts. During these months I will also take a close look at where my blog has been and where I want it to head. I have a few new pieces that I'd like to add that I hope you will like and will be of benefit to busy moms and dads!
So, thanks again for staying with me! Hope to hear from you soon!