Saturday, October 20, 2012

Alexa Blog Hop: Improve Your Ranking!

Are you ready to drop your Alexa score?  Your Alexa Ranking shows the world how you stack up against other competitors. So, if you want to look better in the eyes of potential sponsors, you'll want to link up to this blog hop.

I haven't found any other blogs dedicated to Alexa rankings, so I decided to start one myself.  There are some very specific requirements to participate:
  1. You MUST download the Alexa Toolbar by going HERE
  2. Visit as many of the pages as possible
  3. You MUST wait for the page to fully load, then click on a second page
  4. Leave a note on the page you visit, asking that they return the favor
  5. If possible, Tweet or post on Facebook to encourage others to participate.  Remember, the more people participate the better chances of lowering your Alexa score!