I'd like to apologize to everyone who thought we had abandoned ship. We had some technical issues that had to be resolved, and I think it's finally done. Due to these issues there were no Facebook, Twitter or Networked Blogs updates, plus no RSS Feed or e-mails sent out. So, unless you visited the blog regularly you were basically out of the loop on all of the latest posts. To make sure you haven't missed out on anything, below is a list of the affected posts:
P&G Coupon Insert Preview Week of 4/29
FREE Sample of Carnation Instant Breakfast
RedPlum Coupon Insert Preview Week of 4/29
Coupons Disappearing at the End of April 2012
$0.49 Children's Advil at Walgreens
PepsiCo Moments to Save Coupon Insert Preview Week of 4/29
$25 Dollar General Gift Card **Giveaway** (Good in stores & on-line)
Pharmacy Store Deals Week of 4/29/12
Discount Store Deals Week of 4/29/12