Saturday, September 10, 2011

My Thoughts On: Coupon Insert Theft

You know how we go through life thinking, "Nah, that will never happen to me!"  Well, guess what?  It happened to me!  Our local newspaper prints a weekend edition, rather than a Sunday edition, so I will normally purchase my newspaper on Saturday.  I purchased two copies of the paper to take advantage of the numerous coupons that were to be made available this weekend only to discover that there was not a single insert in EITHER of the papers!  I was expecting to see at least three inserts, possibly a fourth.  All I could think was, "WHAT?!?! No inserts?"  Well, then it dawned on me that someone must of stolen all of the inserts out of both (or possibly more) newspapers.

It seems that as more and more people are discovering the value of coupons, they are resorting to stealing inserts out of the paper, rather than purchasing it.  I would have to question these actions and ask why are they not asking friends and family for their inserts rather than resort to such unethical actions?  Does the TLC Extreme Couponing show play a role in this? Possibly, since so many people seem to think that what they see on TV is real.  They do not realize that those shopping trips are staged.  The couponers portrayed on the show spend days, if not weeks, preparing for the show.  They have also prepared the stores where the shopping trip will take place so that they are faced with minimal glitches during filming.

Another thing that these individuals have not taken into consideration is the fact that they committing a criminal offense.  Although I have yet to hear of anyone being charged with "Coupon Theft" (Oh, wait!  Someone was accused and charged.  Check it out HERE), I have heard that many stores are changing the location of their newspapers to areas that are more carefully monitored in an effort to reduce the number of thefts.  These thefts are not only an inconvenience for the purchaser of the newspaper, but it is also a loss for the newspaper distributor since they can't sell the paper if it's not complete.

So, in conclusion, I have learned that, yes, it can happen to me!  I have learned a new lesson and I think from now on I need to be more careful.  I'll need to remember to look through the paper in front of the cashier to ensure that it is complete.  But worst yet, I've learned that there are desperate people, living in desperate times which is driving them to unethical measures.