Monday, July 2, 2012

Totally Tuesday Blog Hop Week of 7/3/12

Are you ready to Blog Hop? What is a Blog Hop, you ask? It's a way to socialize and get to know each other, plus a way to help drive traffic to your site. Here are the basic rules:
  • Follow Frugal Living and More, through one of the methods available (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Networked blogs, Google Friend Connect, e-mail or RSS feed!)
  • Make sure you leave a note/comment letting me know you visited and how you are following my blog.  This will ensure that I follow you back!
  • Link up your blog. (Please - only Family Friendly Blogs on this linky.)
  • It would be appreciated if you also post the linky to this Blog Hop on your site. The code can be found near the bottom of this post. The more often it is posted, the more people will participate since the blog hop is replicated on each page it is posted to - you only need to enter yourself once!
That's it! Very simple rules, right? Let's get ready to have some fun!

This Week's Featured Blog

Each week I will randomly choose someone from the Blog Hop to be featured the following week.