Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lessons Learned in Weight Loss - #1

**I would like to emphasize that in no way, shape or form am I being compensated by anyone or any agency.  These are 100% my thoughts and experiences you will find in these particular posts**

I’d like to have you join me on my adventure in weight loss.  I hoping to learn a great deal in the process and would like to share with you, my readers.

Over the past few years, I resolved to make changes in my family’s eating habits in hopes of becoming healthier, as well as losing weight.  I think I’ve been somewhat successful, considering that during the past 10 months I managed to lose 7 lbs. without really trying.  I would like to lose more weight before I get any closer to the big 5-0.  This summer, I’ve decided to take on the challenge. 

About one month ago, I learned about a local health and wellness clinic that had contracted with our health insurance to provide FREE services by certified nutritionists.   I decided to look into what they had to offer. Why not? My visits would be completely FREE because they would be paid for by our health insurance.  Plus, I would be under no obligation to continue after the first consultation.

During my first consultation I was told that there was no magic pill, no special drink, or anything spectacular to eat.  I would be guided through the entire process by monitoring what I ate and how much I exercised.  It sounded wonderful to me!  My goals the first week: drink 8 glasses of water each day and keep track of my food intake using a FREE on-line program called My Fitness Pal.  Easy enough, right?

Right…It was so hard to drink so much water in a single day! But I did it and within a few days time noticed something – my skin wasn’t  as dry anymore!  I guess my skin had been begging for more water, but I ignored it.    

The second part, tracking my food intake, was a little easier.  I first created my FREE account on My Fitness Pal where I had to log my current weight as well as how much I wanted to lose.  The program provided me a suggested maximum caloric intake based on my current weight and my desired weight.  As I began to log my food, I started taking a closer look at the calories and portion sizes for the specific meals I was logging.  Boy – the reality of it!  I hadn’t really thought too much about HOW much I was eating, mostly just WHAT I was eating.  Ok. I think I’m starting to get it.

I found the on-line food diary super easy to use.  It seemed to “memorize” the food I ate and would make these foods available for me to use again if I ate them on another occasion.   It also tallied for me my calorie consumption.  Whoa!  Really?!?  I consumed that many calories in one day?   Well, after that first day, I vowed to keep closer tabs on my intake.